17 Apr Clearing Our Akashic Records: How Does It Affect Others?
I received a very interesting question the other day from someone who had Akashic Records clearing work done by one of our Soul Realignment Practitioners. She was wondering how clearing her own Akashic Records would impact her loved ones and the people in her life, given that we are all connected.
If we take a very high-level perspective, then technically every single choice anyone makes, anywhere, changes the fabric of time and space and resonates throughout all of Creation to affect absolutely everyone else.
It’s a perspective that can lead to positive or negative levels of responsibility.
Here’s what negative responsibility looks like: We become so concerned with how our choices may affect others that we start trying to manage other people’s lives – their reactions, their environment, their beliefs and perspectives. If we do this enough, we may lose sight of creating our own personal experience for the sake of the collective experience. We start worrying, pondering problems we can’t possibly solve, and edit ourselves in word and deed for fear of offending or negatively impacting someone else. And if we go even further, we start making choices out of the energies of sacrifice and obligation, all because we’ve decided we are responsible for others.
Of course, in the process we’re contributing the energies of worry, sacrifice and obligation to all of Creation.
When we do positive responsibility, we focus on what we CAN control, which is the quality of our own choices. We focus on making choices for ourselves from joy, abundance, and fulfillment. Some of those choices may, on the surface, look incredibly selfish. In fact, people who are busy doing negative responsibility will TELL YOU that you’re being selfish. But if we are committed to positive responsibility, then we know that every choice we make for our own abundance, every choice we make that brings us joy, will contribute abundance and joy to all of Creation.
If clearing our Akashic Records allows us to step further into the power and truth of our Divine nature, then that is what we are contributing to all of Creation.
And in the end, we have to remember that, while everyone is contributing all of their choices to all of Creation, we are 100% at choice over what vibrational aspects of Creation we participate in.
No matter how much violence is happening on the planet, we will not attract violence into our experience if we are not vibrationally congruent to it.
No matter how much suffering is happening on the planet, we will not attract suffering into our experience if we are not vibrationally congruent to it.
And no matter how much abundance is happening on the planet, we will also not attract abundance into our experience if we are not vibrationally congruent to it.
No matter how much love is happening on the planet, we will not attract love into our experience if we are not vibrationally congruent to it.
In the end, no matter what anyone, anywhere, contributes to all of Creation … we choose our own reality. And everyone around us does the same. In this way, we are not responsible for anyone else’s individual experience, while being fully responsible for what we contribute to the experience of All.
To your infinite abundance,
Andrrea Hess