Intuition: When to Take Action

Intuition: When to Take Action

Intuitive inspiration comes in different ways, at different magnitudes. Sometimes we receive a great idea, or a big vision for a future we might wish to create for ourselves. Sometimes a name whispers through our head, a few words that are just the beginning for a larger project or purpose.

When is the right time to take action on intuitive information? When we’re given an idea or vision, how do we know the timing is right to begin?

The first thing we have to understand is that we ourselves are in charge of the intuitive information flow. We receive what we ask for. If we ask for ideas, inspiration, for our purpose, we may well receive a big vision.

Our job, then, is to also ask for the more specific information that would most serve us at any given time. Sometimes, we do need a bigger, more general vision to give us direction and purpose. But we also need practical next steps towards that vision – and it is our job to ask for those, as well.

But sometimes we are inspired with that “next step” and wonder whether to take it or not. Because our intuition often inspires us to move outside of our comfort zone, it’s easy to imagine that “the time isn’t right” or that “we’re not ready.”

Intuitive information is always meant to be put into practice. Our Higher Self and Guides aren’t interested in giving us abstract information that remains theoretical! If you know what your next step is – if you’ve been inspired with an idea that you can act on right now – then it’s time to act! If it were not time to take action, you wouldn’t have received that inspiration!

If, on the other hand, you have a more general vision, you’ve asked for your practical next steps and are still stuck with no idea where to start … well, then there’s work to be done yet before you can begin creating that vision. You may not yet have all the pieces of the puzzle in place that would allow you to move forward. Perhaps all the resources you will need are not yet lined up and ready.

Keep asking not only for the general direction or vision of where you are going. Ask for your most immediate next steps. When you are inspired with an idea that you can take action on right now – then take action, even if that is uncomfortable. But if the immediate next steps remain unclear – wait. The time to act is still a little ways away.
