What Is Soul Realignment™?
Soul Realignment™ is a psychic-spiritual modality that assists us in aligning fully with our Soul purpose and removes negative energetic blocks and restrictions that are limiting us from creating the life we want. In a Soul Realignment™ session, the Practitioner accesses the client's Akashic Record and determines their Soul's origins, training, purpose and life lessons. The Practitioner then uncovers and clears negative energies present so that the client may fully "realign" with who they truly are at Soul-level. Clients may also be given "homework" to faciliatate their own realigment with their highest path and purpose.
You may benefit from a Soul Realignment™ session if:
- An invisible wall seems to be standing between you and the life you desire for yourself.
- Creating change and moving forward is a struggle.
- You manifest what you desire inconsistently.
- You have doubts or lack of clarity about your true purpose.
- Your intuitive abilities are inconsistent, and you do not trust your inner wisdom.
What are energetic blocks and restrictions?
Think of yourself as a radio signal, constantly emitting a distinct energetic frequency. This is how you broadcast your intentions into the Universe, and the Law of Attraction ensures that experiences manifest themselves into your life accordingly. So how can you possibly be attracting unintended outcomes and experiences? There are negative frequencies hidden in your energetic signature. Most of us, even Lightworker Souls, have been affected by the negative influences present on our planet at one time or another. Negativity that you encountered lifetimes ago may still be limiting you today.
Soul Realignment™may serve you as a modality if:
- You assist others in moving forward into their life purpose.
- You wish to develop your own intuition to more effectively work with your clients.
- You wish to give clients a greater sense of themselves as spiritual Beings.
- You want to understand and address the underlying energetic causes behind your clients' struggles.
- You want to be more effective as a coach, counselor, or healer.
The Benefits of Soul Realignment™
Consciously create, without limitation, the life you desire for yourself. By clearing energetic blocks and restrictions at Soul level, you will find that struggles cease, and you move towards your goals with greater ease and joy.
Know your life purpose and understand yourself and others from a spiritual perspective.
Move into alignment with your Soul's highest path and purpose. Master your role as the conscious creator of your physical experience, and assist others in doing the same.
Tap into the wisdom of your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides. Learn what spiritual resources are available to you and your clients..
Find a Practitioner and experience the benefits of Soul Realignment™ for yourself!